what are the drawings and veins in marbles | turkish marble company

What are the drawings and veins


The best part about Marble and Natural Stone is that they are so unique and you’ll find no two stone pieces that look very similar. The drawings and veins in the Marble and Natural Stone is what makes these stones so unique! One big reason Marble or Natural Stone has been a classic timeless option for interior designers, architects and space consultants is this rich uniqueness.

Although there are no hard rules to differentiate and classify drawings and veins found in Marble as stone families, the most common features of lines can be used to determine various types of veins. Here are the most popular and common patterns of drawings and veins in Marble and Natural Stone you should know about.

The Linear Veins

The Linear Veins is the most classic one on the list and also the most common. Stones with Linear Veins generally have consistent, unidirectional and bifurcated lines and patterns. These generally occur in two contrast colors – where the background color stands in contrast to the color of the veins. The best example could be a white marble stone background and black or space grey-ish linear veins.

The Breccia Veins

The Breccia Veins appear as if thick dark materials surround islands or clean blank spaces. It looks as though somebody’s spilled a cup of coffee on a clean white paper. These are formed due to natural geological processes where marble was broken and then was crystallized by the larger fragments. These are great choices to create spaces that need more detailing or texture. The most common color patterns in the Breccia Veins are the shades of Brown and Green from – Coffee Brown, Mud Brown, Dark Chocolate Brown to Algae Green, Teal Green and Dark Green shades.

The Tree Veins

The Tree Veins pattern is the opposite of Linear Veins and is generally categorized by multi-directional veins that do not follow a consistent pattern and look like the branches of the tree, as the name suggests. It also can appear like the blood capillaries where each new branch follows a new direction and you’ll generally see various lines flowing in random directions ending with more such smaller branches. The classic example to the Tree Veins is the darker shades of Marble Background Colors like Dark Green or Dark Brown intertwined with an explosion of white veins, forming tree-like branches.

The Shell Stones

The Shell Stones appear less of veins and more of drawing or artistic-like patterns formed by the fossils contained inside formed by the natural geological processes of the earth. Marbles and Limestones are two natural stones that have The Shell Stones veinage to them. It looks like there are crystallized stone patterns broken and spilled randomly on darker background shades of natural Marble or Limestone. A good example for The Shell Stone veinage is brown colored marble stone with crystallized stone-like or cone-like patterns formed in lighter shades like white, red, peach and the like.

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